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Waivers & Flexibility


教育部免除家长在核实工作表上的签字(核实家庭规模和在校人数).  Other verification documents that require a parent's signature, such as income verification documents, have not been waived.

学生不再需要亲自或在公证人面前填写他们的教育目的声明表.  此文件可由学生签署,并连同政府签发的身份证明复印件一起提交给学校.  教育部还认识到,由于社交距离要求,各种形式的身份证明(如驾驶执照)可能会过期,而没有真正合理的更新机会. 2020年3月1日以后过期的文件,各院校可以接受其复印件.  This form and identification can be submitted via mail, secure email, or uploaded to the student's school portal.

Return to Title IV (R2T4) Funds:

对于在3月13日或包括3月13日开始的付款期或注册期开始上课的任何学生, 2020, 随后由于与covid -19相关的情况而退出该期间, an institution is not required to return Title IV funds.

Institutions that transitioned students to distance learning, closed campus housing or other campus facilities, 或经历过其他教学中断,允许考虑在覆盖期间所有地面学生的退学是与COVID-19国家紧急情况相关的情况造成的.   这包括在适用期间退学的学生,学校已经对他们进行了R2T4计算并退还了资金. Where returns have already been made, the institution should re-disburse Title IV funds to those students, making required adjustments in COD, crediting students’ ledger accounts, and requesting any necessary funds.

An R2T4 calculation is not waived. The R2T4 calculation still must be done, 但是,学校和学生都不需要返还由此计算得出的任何不劳而获的资助. So, 学校不必退还学生账单上的任何不劳而获的资助, and the student doesn't have to return any grant  or loan funds.   NOTE:  Loan borrowers are still bound by terms of their Master Promissory Note (MPN).  上面提到的R2T4豁免并不意味着你不必偿还学生贷款.  它的意思是,如果你在规定的学期内退了所有课程,, the school will not return any loan funds on your behalf, creating a balance due to the school.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP):

《在线博彩平台》允许机构将学生由于COVID-19国家紧急情况而无法完成的令人满意的学业进展(SAP)尝试学分排除在定量部分(速度测量)之外. 学生不需要提交SAP申诉,学校就可以行使这种灵活性. However, to exclude attempted credits from SAP, 机构必须合理地确定学生未能完成这些学分是与COVID-19相关情况的结果. Allowable circumstances include, but are not limited to, illness of the student or family member, need to become a caregiver or first responder, economic hardship, added work hours, loss of childcare, inability to continue with classes via distance education, inability to access wi-fi due to closed facilities. If an institution temporarily ceases operations during a period of enrollment, 所有受影响的学生(特定于入学期间)的尝试学分可能被排除在外.


联邦法律包括一项规定,允许机构在某些有限的情况下向无法继续工作的受灾害影响的学生支付FWS款项.  对于在因COVID-19而必须关闭的校园注册并进行FWS的学生, 或受雇于因COVID-19而关闭的雇主的FWS学生, 如果关闭发生在学期开始之后,该机构可以在关闭期间继续支付学生的联邦勤工俭学工资, 该机构继续支付其其他雇员(包括教职员工)的工资。, and the institution continues to meet its institutional wage share requirement. 由于与covid -19相关的中断而无法在该机构开始一个学期的学生将没有资格获得该学期的联邦学生援助, and therefore could not be paid FWS wages for hours they did not work.  NOTE:  这适用于联邦勤工俭学,州勤工俭学和勤工俭学指导计划

Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG):


T教育部发布了指导意见,允许机构将其未使用的联邦勤工俭学拨款的100%转移到FSEOG项目.  《在线博彩平台》(第3504条)进一步规定,高等教育机构可以使用其FSEOG拨款的任何数额(包括从FWS转移的资金)来授予紧急财政援助补助金,以帮助本科生或研究生支付因合格紧急情况而产生的意外费用和未满足的经济需求.  FSEOG awarding rules, i.e., exceptional need, 助学金首先发放给符合佩尔资格的学生,他们的预期家庭贡献最低, are waived for the purpose of making FSEOG Emergency Aid Grants. FSEOG Emergency Aid Grants are not considered Estimated Financial Assistance.

Texas Education Opportunity Grant (TEOG):

Due to the COVID-19 disruption, 美国中央银行暂时允许各院校转移其未动用的德州大学勤工俭学(TCWS)拨款的100%, 包括该机构未使用的勤工俭学学生指导计划(WSMP)拨款, to its TEXAS Grant, Texas Educational Opportunity Grant (TEOG), or Tuition Equalization Grant (TEG) allocation.  这将为机构在COVID-19突发公共卫生事件期间向学生提供资助提供更大的灵活性. 此豁免在被美国中央银行撤销或直到州灾难声明不再有效之前一直有效.  机构不得超过从德州助学金转移拨款的限制, TEOG, and TEG to the TCWS Program. Up to 10% of the institution’s total annual program allocation or $20,000 (whichever is less) may be transferred from TEXAS Grant, TEOG, and TEG into either TCWS or WSMP in a given fiscal year.




Last Updated: January 27, 2023


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